Api trailokya-rajyasya
Hetoh kim nu mahi-krte
Nihatya dhartarastran nah
Ka pritih syaj janardana
Madhusudan even if they kill me or even if I can get to rule all the three lokas, do not want to kill them. Then where is the question of my fighting only for this earthly kingdom.
Papam evasrayed asman hatvaitan atatayinah
Tasman narha vayam hantum dhartarastran svabandhavan
Svajanam hi katham hatva sukhinah syama madhava
Janardhana, how can we be happy killing Dhritrashtra’s sons. We will commit ourselves to sniff we kill them, our own relations.
Yadyapy ete na pasyanti lobhopahata-cetasah
Kula-ksaya-krtam dosam mitra-drohe ca patakam
Therefor, Madhava, we are not destined to kill our own relatives, Dhritrashtra’s sons because how can we live happily after killing our own family members.
Katham na jneyam asmabhih papad asman nivartitum
Kula-ksaya-krtam dosam prapasyadbhir janardana
Kula-ksaye pranasyanti kula-dharmah sanatanah
Dharme naste kulam krtsnam adharmo bhibhavaty uta
Even though succumbed by greed and spoiled minded these people don’t see the ill effects of the extinction of family and fighting their own friends, but we who are fully aware of the ominous results of such loss, why should not we think of escaping such sins?
Adharmabhibhavat krsna pradusyanti kula-striyah
Strisu dustasu varsneya jayate varna-sankarah
Lose of the family can bring decadence to the unending race which also brings afflictions and sins spread in such a situation.
Sankaro narakayaiva kula-ghnanam kulasya ca
Patanti pitaro hy esam lupta-pindodaka-kriyah
And, Krishna, with the spreading of sins woman of the family get spoilt and breed bastard children.
Dosair etaih kula-ghnanam varna-sankara-karakaih
Utsadyante jati-dharmah kula-dharmas ca sasvatah
And such children lead to decadence and hell. And the forefathers due to loss of shards and other functions get into miseries and elude salvation.
Utsanna-kula-dharmanam manusyanam janardana
Narake niyatam vaso bhavatity anususruma
Because of these afflictions associated with the growth of bastard children the Sanatan Dharam and the entire race may face annihilation.
Aho bata mahat-papam kartum vyavasita vayam
Yad rajya-sukha-lobhena hantum svajanam udyatah
Janardhana, the roces whose inherent religion dies out have to remain in hell as I understand.
Yadi mam apratikaram asastram sastra-panayah
Dhartarastra rane hanyus tan me ksemataram bhavet
It’s a pity that even though we are wise enough to understand – these ill effects yet we are ready to carry out the great sins of killing our over near and dear ones due to greed of kingdom and worldly pleasures.
Sanjaya uvaca
Evam uktvarjunah sankhye rathopastha upavisat
Visrjya sa-saram capam soka-samvigna-manasah
Even if Dhritrashtras son kill me in the battle at this time when I am unarmed, I think such a death will be better for me than committing sins and suffering afflictions.
Sanjay said “Disturbed in mind and Down cast with grief, Arjun having said this relinquished his arms and sat in the rear of the rath.