What we learn from Bhagwad Gita – Chapter 2


bhagavad-Gita-and-krishna-arjunaSanjay continued the commentary of happenings at the battle field to his King Dhritrashtra. Lord Krishna understood the reasons of Arjuna’s reluctance to fight. It was attachment with members of his family on both sides. It was also a fear that they may lose the battle. Krishna disapproved Arjuna’s behavior. Advising Arjun, Krishna asked him how was it that in his brave heart such fear and attachment resided. He told him to throw out these negative emotions and fight.

Arjuna then came up with another argument.  He said that on the other side he only found respected Seniors – his Grandfather, his Guru, and others. He would like to kill them even though there greedy and unreasonable yet they are the members of his own family.

Realizing Arjuna’s negative and cowardly conduct, Lord Krishna explained to him as under:

In a battle field we should have no regrets for the people who sacrifice their life. They indeed deserve our respect as they fight for a cause. In any case no one is immortal. Just as a person changes clothes, a soul also changes the body. The soul is immortal. He further said that the wise person is not disturbed by any challenging situations. Our soul is indestructible.  So there is nothing for which we should give up.

Further more as a warrior it was his duty to fight for the cause and not be scared of defeat. He was required to be firm in his decision. Indecision is the bane of life. As a determined soldier he should fight without worrying about whether they would win or lose. There should be no attachment with the result. He should conduct himself as a person of profound wisdom. Lord Krishna called such a person Stith Budhhi Purush.

Arjuna then asked Lord Krishna what are the qualities of Stith Budhhi Purush. To which Krishna replied: such a person is never unhappy facing defeating challenges. Nor does he become extremely happy on receiving great fortunes. Just as a tortoise secures all his vulnerable parts of the body inside its shell, such a Purush controls all his emotions.  For him day or night doesn’t matter – it has the same importance. Above all such a person achieves peace at the end.

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